Guangdong Gahumi Textiles co.,Ltd was founded in 1995, located in Qiaozhong road,Liwan district, Guangzhou of China. We have been specialized in customizing Canvas bags, drawstring bags, burlap bags, pencil bags,cloth bags,Oxford bags,non-woven bags and other cloth bags for 22 years. Our factory has a total area of 3000 square meters with 18 sets of advanced digital printing equipment, 15 sets of heat transfer equipment and several heat press equipment. 2 sets of
automatic cutting machine equipment,and more than 50 sewing machines and other complete production lines.Our factory has rights of self-managed import and export,our products were exported to Canada Australia,the United States Tanzania,and other countries all over the world. JHM has been designated as a cooperative manufacturer by manv famous brands. JHM is the most professional manufacturer and expert on Canvas bags with over 10years production experience in China. We have factorv inspection certificates for lSO9001、BSCI、SEDEX and SMETA.